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Heat exchanger

Combined expertise for your industrial sector

Bedarfsgerechte Auslegung von Wärmetauschern

A heat exchanger is a device that transfers thermal energy from one material flow to another.

We are your reliable partner for the implementation of heat exchanger projects in apparatus engineering. We offer you an individual, needs-based design of the heat exchangers specifically for the process parameters you specify.

Our success is characterised by committed employees with a high level of quality awareness. Our team has many years of industry and product experience. We can supply you with high-quality heat exchangers with and without insulation. We can supply you with high-quality heat exchangers with and without insulation. We develop innovative and customer-oriented solutions for your individual requirements, because the customer comes first for us.


The following heat exchanger designs are part of our product range:

  • Shell and tube heat exchanger with drawable U-tube bundle
    (version lying or standing)
  • Straight tube heat exchanger / inline heat exchanger
    (version lying or standing)
  • Steam generator / steam converter
  • Electric heater
  • Exhaust gas heat exchanger
  • Insertion bundle for installation in containers
  • Spare tube bundles also for other makes

Shell and tube heat exchanger

In a shell-and-tube heat exchanger (also known colloquially as a heat exchanger), two media separated by the tube wall are guided past each other. The heat of these media is exchanged with each other when there is a temperature difference between them.

A heat exchanger usually consists of three components, the pre-head, the shell casing and the tube bundle. One medium flows through the pipes, the second medium flows through the jacket space. Depending on the design, so-called baffles are inserted in the jacket space. The medium flowing in the jacket space is guided through these in such a way that it flows as transversely as possible to the bundle tubes. This increases the quality of the heat transfer. The better the heat transfer, the more compact the appliances.

In the case of shell-and-tube heat exchangers, both the tube space and the shell space can be designed with one or more paths. The decisive factors here are the speed and pressure loss of the flowing media. The number of paths has an influence on the length of the apparatus. The shell-and-tube heat exchanger can be used as a cooler and as a heater for liquid and gaseous media.

With us, you are in good hands – from consultation and design to implementation, delivery and documentation of your very own individual heat exchanger.

Typen-Bezeichnung der Standardbauformen:
TypGängigkeit RohrseiteGängigkeit MantelseiteHeizflächeBauartBündel ziehbarKondensationUnterkühlung

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