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Single-part bends (U-pipes) for heating / cooling registers

Single-part = Multiple-part

Whether in power station technology or chemical industry construction, or even renewable energy, heat exchanger bundles – so-called registers – multiple-application is found in provision for process heat in production-orientated companies or in power stations and waste incineration plant.

In order to be of optimum assistance to clients with maintenance activities, service duties and inspections, and planned standstills, even re-fabrication measures, TUBE-TEC has specialized in single-part bends, known also as U-tubes.


  • Efficient alternative to DIN elbows for registers and heat exchanger bundles

  • Optimized manufacturing costs through up to 50% savings in welded joints as well as the use of orbital welding processes

  • Results in reduced effort in testing processes, heat treatment etc.

  • Simpler geometry in fabrication

  • Reduced service effort on-site

  • TUBE-TEC works with tube diameters of up to 88.9 mm

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