Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct serves to implement our corporate policy. In particular, it specifies our commitment to the areas of “Social Responsibility” and “Compliance”. It describes rules and behaviors for our business activities, for our daily work and for our dealings with each other.

The Code of Conduct binds employees and management alike. The following requirements cannot precisely regulate all conceivable situations and business transactions. They are therefore designed as a framework for orientation. If you as an employee are unsure or have questions about how to act in accordance with the rules in individual cases, please speak to your responsible member of the management or use the contact option mentioned in section 9.
1. Business behavior
We do not permit unlawful, corrupt or immoral practices, either within our own company or by business partners. We conduct our business in accordance with the highest ethical principles, including in international markets. We refrain from anything that could negatively affect competition or the freedom of decision-making of our business contacts. In particular, discussions or even agreements with competitors that are suitable or intended to hinder or restrict competition are prohibited.
2. Demand or acceptance of benefits
We retain our freedom of decision and neither accept nor demand gifts, personal benefits or services from business partners. Favors with a monetary value of € 25 or more are already gifts and may not be accepted; the management decides on exceptions, e.g. in the case of international contacts.
Attempts by business partners to influence our decision by offering advantages must be reported to the management.
Invitations from business partners to business meals or events may only be accepted if they serve a legitimate business purpose and are within the reasonable scope that we ourselves offer our business partners; a strict standard must be applied here. Travel or accommodation expenses may not be borne by third parties.
3. Granting of advantages
Just as we do not accept any benefits, we do not promise or grant any such benefits or advantages to public officials or business partners. We refrain from doing anything that could be interpreted as an attempt to bribe.
4. Conflicts of interest / social commitment
We want to avoid conflicts of interest or loyalty. This can occur if active or former employees themselves or relatives or acquaintances are involved in or work for other companies that are in business contact or competition with us. Irrespective of the respective provisions in the employment or service contract on the duty of confidentiality or on secondary employment or, if applicable, on the non-competition clause, the employee must report such conflict situations to the management as early as possible.
The company welcomes and supports the social commitment of its employees, e.g. by giving them time off for work in political committees. Within the scope of their commitment, however, employees will remain neutral when making statements about the company and observe the guidelines in Section 6.
5. Order placement
Each offer is reviewed impartially and fairly.
For employees entrusted with the award of contracts, the provision in Clause 4 shall apply in particular.
No employee may place private orders with companies with which we are in business contact and be offered or solicit benefits.
6. Corporate Communications / Information
All media inquiries, press releases, interviews or presentations are handled or authorized exclusively by the management. If employees are approached, they will forward the request to the management.
The same applies when employees are approached about donations or sponsorship.
Any requests for information from investigative or law enforcement agencies may not be answered by employees; such requests must be forwarded to management.
7. Assets
Every employee handles company property responsibly and carefully. The use of company property or material / personnel resources for private purposes and the completion of private work in the company is prohibited.
Internet and e-mail may not be used for private purposes.
8. Employee development / mutual respect
The company is committed to the development and advancement of employees and their skills. Appraisals are fair and unbiased. Everyone is committed to a work environment characterized by mutual respect, assistance and team spirit. Discrimination, harassment or intimidation of any kind based on race, sex, color, religion, national origin, age, marital status, sexual orientation, ancestry, social status or physical or mental disability is prohibited. If employees believe they are being subjected to discrimination or harassment, observe or become aware of such conduct, they are encouraged to report it to management.
9. Reporting and clarification of violations / anonymity
Every employee is encouraged to report any violations of the Code of Conduct of which he or she becomes aware or any suspected cases to the management so that remedial action can be taken or further clarification pursued. If the employee needs advice, he or she can also use the contact option mentioned below. This can also be done anonymously if the employee feels he or she cannot disclose to management.
Write to the Compliance Officer via email:
or by letter:
TUBE-TEC Rohrverformungstechnik GmbH
z. Hd. Frau Heidi Rölz
Hirtscheiderstr. 13-15
57647 Nistertal
10. Commitment / Implementation
Compliance with this Code of Conduct is binding. Non-compliant behavior will be sanctioned by the company within the scope of the possibilities provided by the employment contract. The management shall ensure within its competence that every employee knows and understands this Code of Conduct.
Nistertal – 20.10.2023