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Power Station Technology

Individual and prefabricated components
53. Kraftwerkstechni­sches Kolloquium

Power stations, whether based on fossil fuels or regenerative, safeguard & ensure the energy supply for our society and economy.

In the case of new constructions however, and also in the case of inspections whereby we always talk about the shortest lead times with the most stringent demands on quality, TUBE-TEC with its expansive depth of production is the preferred partner for operators but also service companies.

With their own tooling & fabrication facilities, completed pressurised components such as economizers, air pre-heaters or super-heaters and even components such as pipe elbows, tube coil or protective shells, half-pipes etc. can be fabricated flexibly & rapidly.

Adaptations to the constructed situation on-site are often carried out by TUBE-TEC engineers with so-called Detail-Engineering. Their specialised sales engineers make absolutely sure that the agreed-upon “Milestones” are adhered to, even in project management, which leads to an exceptionally high degree of delivery for TUBE-TEC.

Maintenance work takes advantage of rapid supplies, thereby minimising downtimes and their related costs involved.

As a special service, TUBE-TEC offers a 24-hour hotline especially for the area of power plant technology.


  • Heat exchanger
  • Pre-heaters
  • Steam generators
  • Super-heaters
  • Condensers
  • Air pre-heaters “LUVO”

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